Brodie Street Revitalisation Project
Flinders Shire Council is in the process of investigating the beautification and revitalisation of the Brodie Street precinct area.
The plans below have been put out for public comment and consideration. If you wish to comment on the plans, please email your comments to or complete the form below and drop off to the council office.
Plans will also be available to peruse at the Flinders Public Library and the Flinders Shire Council Office. A form for comments will be made available at these points.
This is a concept design and not final, the project will be delivered in stages once finalised and external funding has been committed. Stage 1 will include building upgrades, footpath and stormwater works as a priority.
Design outcomes:
- Revitalised public areas and retail environment to support local businesses
- Increase the profile of main streets “treat it as gathering place”
- Create a safe and attractive destination that caters Hughenden and the wider community including visitors and tourists
- Improved streetscape including more shade, more seating, landscaping, better links with the key tourist spots in the town
- Improve the functionality of the street by providing more parking space on Comyn St, access to Brodie St from Comyn St via a dedicated pathway and disability access
- Brodie Street – a meeting place for Flinders Community and a place to stop for travellers
- Support local shops/businesses
- Biophilic design – cut down temperatures and improve the visual aspects
- CBD Area attractive and welcoming
- User friendly – disability and wheelchair access, charging points for motorised scooters
- Future ready – electric car charging points
- Family friendly – Mobile charging points, more parking areas, more seating areas, safe access, free Wi-Fi etc.,
All comments must be received back to Council by 21 February 2020.
- Concept Plan Page 1
- Concept Plan Page 2
- Concept Plan Page 3
- Concept Plan Page 4
- Concept Plan Page 5
- Concept Plan Page 6
- Concept Plan Page 7
- Concept Plan Page 8
- Concept Plan Page 9
- Concept Plan Page 10
- Concept Plan Page 11
- Concept Plan Page 12
- Concept Plan Page 13
- Concept Plan Page 14
- Concept Plan Page 15
- Concept Plan Page 16
- Comyn Street Design
View and download the feedback form.