Recovery Information
Over the last week of January 2019 and the first week of February, torrential rainfalls over far North Queensland caused widespread flooding.
During the event, Flinders Shire experienced damage to road infrastructure and major stock losses
Recovery Support
Successful recovery relies not only on local, state and federal governments, not for profit organisations and non-government agencies but also on the community, through community-led approaches.
As Flinders Shire moves into the recovery phase of the North and Far North Queensland Monsoon Trough, there are numerous agencies and support available to the community.
Recovering from a disaster is usually a gradual process. Knowing how to access support makes the process faster and less stressful. Below is some useful information on recovering from a disaster:
The Queensland Government website has a range of resources and information available for those recovering from a disaster:
NQ Connect
NQ Connect provides flood-affected residents with access to a dedicated mental health support service, providing confidential 24/7 counselling support during flood recovery. There are people you can talk to in this time of crisis. If you would like to talk with a professional counsellor, call NQ Connect 24/7 on 1300 059 625, or visit the NQ Connect website for web chat, video counselling or online discussion forums.
Financial Recovery Assistance
Glenn Budden (Rural Financial Counsellor) will be in Hughenden on Tuesdays to assist with QRIDA Recovery Grants, Farm Household Allowance, cash flows and assistance with financial issues for primary producers. Please call Glenn on 0467 208 451 to make an appointment.
- Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment $1,000 per adult and $400 for each child. Please note, you have until 30 August 2019 to make a claim.
- Disaster Recovery Allowance for short term payment if a disaster directly affects your income. Please note, you have until 30 August 2019 to make a claim.
- Essential Services Hardship Assistance Grant - Supports people directly impacted by a disaster when they have lost one or more essential services for five days. $150 per person, $750 for a family of five or more. Please note, you have until 30 August 2019 to make a claim.
- Emergency hardship assistance grant - Supports people directly impacted by a disaster to meet essential needs for food, clothing, medical supplies or temporary accommodation, $180 per person and up to $900 for a family of five or more.
- Essential household contents grant - If you are uninsured or unable to claim insurance, you may be eligible for financial assistance towards replacing or repairing essential household contents. Up to $$1,765 for single adults and up to $5,300.
- Structural assistance grant - If you are uninsured or unable to claim insurance, you may be eligible for a one-off payment to contribute towards repairs to your home to make it secure and safe. Up to $10,995 for single adults and up to $14,685 for couples or families.
- Essential services safety and reconnection grant - if you are uninsured, or are unable to claim insurance, you may be eligible for a grant to help reconnect essential services that were damaged by a disaster. Up to $200 towards a safety inspection for each essential service (electricity, gas, water and sewerage or septic system). Up to $4,200 towards repair work to enable essential services to be reconnected (for example, electrical wiring).
For information and support phone the Community Recovery Hotline on 1800 173 349.
Blaze Aid is a volunteer-based organisation that works with families and individuals in rural Australia after natural disasters such as fires and floods. Working alongside the rural families, our volunteers help to rebuild fences and other structures that have been damaged or destroyed.
If you would like to help graziers put up fences and other station duties, visit Blaze Aid for more information.
Business Assistance
Small Business and Non-Profit Organisation
Applications for Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants are available to assist small businesses and non-profits to assist with clean-up and reinstatement costs. On Friday 1 March 2019, the Prime Minister announced an increase in grants to affected small businesses from $25,000 to $50,000 to be made available under the joint Commonwealth-Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Details on accessing this additional grant funding are being finalised.
For more information or to apply visit or phone 1800 623 946.
Primary Producers
Applications for Special Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants up to a maximum of $75,000 are available to assist eligible primary producers to assist with clean-up and reinstatement costs. Please note, the closing date for applications is 9 August 2019.
For more information or to apply visit or phone 1800 623 946.
Carcass Disposal Assistance Grant - Producers can apply for $5000 Australian Government carcass disposal grants to help with disposal costs through their local council.
The Queensland Government has various tools and resources available for small businesses and primary producers recovering after a natural disaster:
After a flood disaster environmental recovery includes the restoration and regeneration of biodiversity (species and plants) and ecosystems, natural resources and environmental infrastructure. It also includes the management of environmental health, waste, contamination and pollution, and hazardous materials.
- Avoiding zoonotic disasters in flood recovery
- Safety considerations when trenching to bury carcasses
Recovery after a disaster – useful links
The Queensland Government publishes a Recovery after a disaster webpage with useful links for Queenslanders: