Economic Development Strategy (EDS)

The Flinders Shire is a place of enormous opportunity. Recent changes around the globe and in Australia provide our community with a new growth horizon, where both our traditional industries (such as cattle and tourism) and new industries (such as renewable energy, health and irrigated horticulture) have strong growth prospects. 

To realise these opportunities, we have prepared this Economic Development Strategy to ensure we are not only leveraging our competitive advantages, but also focusing on overcoming our weaknesses, to support future growth in our shire.

The new Flinders Shire Economic Development Strategy sets a clear direction for our council to confirm that economic development is at the core of everything we do. We want to continue to grow and become a more vibrant, diverse and progressive place to live, visit and invest. 

This Economic Development Strategy includes a comprehensive Action Plan that ensures we are doing the full range of activities needed to ensure success. 

Economic Development Strategy (EDS)


Queensland Housing Strategy 2021-2025 Local Housing Action Plan - Flinders Shire Council

This Local Housing Action Plan (the Plan) is developed through a joint initiative involving the Queensland Government, Flinders Shire Council (Council) and the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) to respond to a range of immediate, emerging, and longer-term housing challenges in the Flinders Shire.

This is an iterative process that does not intend to duplicate existing actions of Council or the actions under The Queensland Housing Strategy Action Plan 2021-2025. It seeks to identify opportunities, consider an agreed response, develop targeted actions on key priorities and enable ongoing review of effort to adapt and respond to changing need.

The Plan aims to:

  1. develop agreed priority actions to respond to housing need,
  2. establish strong foundations for longer-term housing responses to assist housing and homelessness outcomes in the Flinders Shire into the future.
  3. incorporate existing information and plans that assist with developing responses to housing need and acknowledge work already completed by the Council, State Agencies, private and not-for-profit organisations.
  4. facilitate targeted interaction between all parties through agreed actions to ensure a focus on deliverables and projects that can improve housing responses in the short and longer-term.

Local Housing Action Plan