Summary of Rates and Charges

General Rate

A minimal General Rate on all rateable land within the Shire of Flinders will be levied per assessment for the financial year.

Water Charge

The Water Charge on a private dwelling is $980.00 ($98.00 x 10 Units) per annum, representing an allocation of 1,200,000 litres per year.

Meters are read two times during the year. Excess Water used during the 2024/2025 year will be charged at $1.28 per 1,000 litres.

How to Read Your Water Meter

Sewerage Charge

The Sewerage Charge on a private dwelling is $810.00 ($81.00 x 10 Units) per annum.

The Sewerage Charge on business premises is $1620.00 ($81.00 x 20 Units) per annum.

Cleansing Charge

The Cleansing Charge on a private dwelling is $285.00 ($28.50 x 10 Units) per annum.

The Cleansing Charge on a business premises is $570.00 ($28.50 x 20 Units) per annum, and it is compulsory to have a Wheelie Bin.

Wild Dog Levy

That, in accordance with Section 94 of the Local Government Act 2009, Flinders Shire Council makes a Wild Dog Control Charge for the 2024/2025 Financial Year, and the level of charges adopted for items described in the Revenue Policy is –

Special Rate 0.0001416 cents per $ of rateable value

Minimum Special Rate
LGR, s94(10)

$258.50 per Assessment

Pensioner Concession

To assist pensioners in the Flinders Shire, both Council and State subsidies may be available to eligible ratepayers at their principal residence.

If you are a ratepayer in the Shire and currently hold a Queensland Pensioner Concession Card or Queensland Repatriation Health Card you may apply to Council for a Rate Concession. Application forms are available on request.