Gates and Grids

Gates and grids are defined as ancillary works on roads within this legislation and while Council has the responsibility for the control, care and management of our public roads, provision of this policy transfers responsibility to the landowner for gates and grids which are permitted for use.

Council seeks to provide a simple and consistent process for the management of gates and grids on public roads within our Region to allow for the safe movement of stock on roads without causing adverse impact on road users.

Council's Gate and Grid Policy is to be read in conjunction with Flinders Shire Council Local Law No. 3 (Gates and Grids), which itself has been enacted by Flinders Shire Council under the powers vested in it through the Local Government Act 2009.

Council issues permits for the erection of gates and grids primarily for the control of livestock on Council's road network. Council's Local Law No. 3 regulates the conditions and approvals pertaining to gates and grids.
