Stock Routes

Flinders Shire Council Stock Route Management Plan 2023 - 2028: Call for Public Consultation 

Please participate in the consultation for the Flinders Shire Council Stock Route Management Plan 2023 - 2028. Public feedback is welcome over the next 28 days, closing on 7th August 2024.

Please submit your feedback to or deliver it in a sealed envelope marked Stock Route Feedback to the Council's Main Office reception.

To view the Draft Plan, click here:
Stock Route Management Plan - DRAFT


New Stock Route Management Regulation 2023

Summary of Changes to the Stock Route Management Act 2002

Flinders Shire Council Stock Routes

View Stock Routes network here.

Under the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002, the administration of the Stock Route Network is shared between Local Government and the Department of Resources. The Flinders Shire manages the stock routes within the shire which contains water facilities (dams, windmills, wells, artesian and sub artesian bore) and reserves.

Council is responsible for day-to-day management, while the Department of Resources is responsible for providing the framework of legislation and policy for Stock Route management and support for Local Governments. Stock Route Watering Facilities are included as a responsibility for Councils to manage. The Rural Lands Department oversees and maintains approximately 30 watering facilities.

Landowners may apply to Council to take a supply of water from a facility. If they wish to do so, they must apply to Council for a Stock Route Watering Facility Agreement. Taking water from a Stock Route Watering Facility without an agreement or without a permit is an offence under the Land Protection Act. View the Application for a Stock Route Water Facility Agreement.

For the movement of stock on a Stock Route an Application for a Stock Route Travel Permit is required to be filled out and submitted to the Council Office at least three days prior to moving stock on the Route. For more information and assistance in completing a Travel Permit Application refer to the Department of Resources requirements for Travel Permits.

As it is an offence to graze stock on a Stock Route without a permit, an Application for a Stock Route Agistment Permit is required to be filled out and submitted to the Council Office at least three days prior to the commencement date. For more information regarding and assistance in completing an Agistment Permit refer to the Department of Resources requirements for Agistment Permits.

Before any use of the Stock Route is undertaken, a permit must be issued by Council along with the appropriate fees being paid.