Events Stream


Applications Open: Friday 7th June, 2024

Applications Close: Friday 12th July, 2024

Smarty Grants:

Following this initial round, all future funding rounds will occur as follows: 

Round Open Each Year Notification of Decision For Projects Occurring In
October Mid to Late December January to June 
March Mid to Late May July to December 

The objectives of the Flinders Shire Council’s Community Grants Program - Events Stream, is designed to build relationships with community organisations to provide benefits to the Flinders Shire residents and visitors by ensuring Flinders Shire is a vibrant active community.

This program aims to support community organisations in Flinders Shire by:

  • Providing mentoring opportunities to community organisations to strengthen their organisation and develop their future events.
  • Promoting community awareness and value of cultural and community events and festivals.
  • Enhancing the profile and appeal of the region and attracting new visitors to the region by a diverse events and festivals program.
  • Facilitating community interaction and stakeholder relationships with Flinders Shire Council.
  • Generating local economic activity and development

The Events Stream Funding is offered in two tiers:

  • Event Assistance - Up to $1,000 focusing on supporting local events
  • Event Development - Up to $5,000 focusing on the development and building capacity of events and seed funding for new and developing initiatives.  


  • Applications will only be accepted within the set rounds. No out of round applications will be accepted. An extra round may be called if budgeted funds were not expended.
  • Only one application will be accepted from each organisation on their own behalf per funding round.
  • The level of assistance available is limited by Council’s budget decision and its priorities.
  • No applicant can be guaranteed sponsorship nor can any applicant be guaranteed to receive the full amount requested.
  • The decision of Council on funding applications is final.
  • Financial Support from the program may require compliance with specific conditions before payment. Should these conditions not be met by the specified date, Council reserves the right to revoke the offer of support.
  • All funds must be expended in the financial year they are granted or up to three months after event. No further funds will be considered until previous outstanding funds are acquitted.
  • Flinders Shire Council requires relevant acknowledgement of financial support for sponsorship.
  • All successful recipients will be recorded in a sponsorship register which Council will have the right to publish as they see fit.
  • Council will not approve in-kind support or the waiver of hiring of Council facilities and associated plant/equipment. These costs are to be included in the amount that clubs/organisations are seeking sponsorship for.
  • If approved organisations will be required to sign a formal agreement and submit an invoice Council for the approved amount within 60 days of offer.  If not received the sponsorship will be cancelled and may be reallocated.
  • Projects / events which are undertaken with the purpose of making a profit without plans for future growth and reinvestment or raising funds for charities will not be funded. If your annual event raises funds for charity, you are encouraged to retail sufficient funds to cover expenses for the following year.

Total funding pool: $50,000 

Application and Guidelines: Apply via


Eligible Applicants Ineligible Applicants 
  • Be a Community Organisation – An incorporated non-profit organisation / club or charity consisting of people having common interests. Includes sporting and recreation clubs, social clubs, school P&F / P&C associations, arts and cultural groups, hospital foundations, religious orders and service organisations. Community organisations exclude businesses and government agencies. Schools may apply for the Community Grants Program - Events and Donations Streams only.
  • Provide a copy of recent Audited Financial Statements and Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes.
  • Have a valid public liability certificate of currency with a minimum $20 million coverage.
  • Have not lodged an application in the Quick Response Program for the same event / project.
  • Be based in the Flinders Shire or, if based outside the Flinders Shire, provide a particular activity, service or event which will have significant positive impact on Shire residents
  • Events which are undertaken with the purpose of making a profit without plans for future growth and reinvestment or raising funds for charities will not be funded. If your annual event raises funds for charity, you are encouraged to retail sufficient funds to cover expenses for the following year.
  • Organisations are ineligible if previous Council allocated funds are not satisfactorily acquitted.
  • Organisations / Clubs that have an outstanding payment owed to Council.
  • Individuals, unincorporated groups, political, businesses and for-profit groups.



The following will not be considered for funding:

  • Projects / events which are undertaken with the sole purpose of making a profit or raising funds for third party charities will not be funded.
  • General operating costs (eg electricity, rates, phone, rent, and maintenance)
  • Private/commercial ventures.
  • Support for an individual pursuit.
  • Commercial activities.
  • Ongoing salaries/wages for staff (a position created for the length of a project is considered eligible).
  • Projects that do not involve the Flinders Shire community.


Applications must demonstrate:

  • The funding request directly supports a demonstrated need within the community, or the project provides a direct or indirect benefit for residents in the community.
  • If the funding is for the Development Tier, the application clearly outlines the new event details or how the event will be expanding by adding new elements and building capacity.
  • The applicant organisation is making a contribution to the project
  • All eligibility criteria have been met

Proposals should be consistent with Council’s Corporate Plan outcomes and strategies -

  • An accessible community
  • Aged facilities and service to meet the community needs
  • Recreational services meet the needs of the community
  • A vibrant and active community
  • Visually appealing and well-presented towns
  • A safe and prepared community
  • Community facilities that meet the needs of the community
  • A community that values art, history and culture


  • Applications open on Friday 7th June, 2024 and close Friday 12th July, 2024.  All applications are to be submitted via SmartyGrants.  
  • In determining the level of assistance required, Council shall:
    • Ensure applications are eligible
    • Assess application against the Selection Criteria (see above)
    • Establish the level of funding available in terms of its’ coming budget requirements.
    • Apportion such funding across each application eligible for funding
  • Applicants will be advised of outcomes in mid to late January.  

Successful applicants:

You will receive a Letter of Offer and a purchase order for the sponsorship amount within 2 weeks of approval. Your Community Organisation will be required to submit an invoice for payment and return your signed Letter of Offer.  If your event is occurring in a new financial year, payment may be requested to be held off until 1 July.  Conditions will be outlined in your Letter of Offer.  

All funds must be expended, and acquittal reports completed via SmartyGrants as per your Letter of Offer. 

Further funding will not be given until acquittal reports are received and approved.

Unsuccessful applicants:

Failure to receive funding is not necessarily due to a poor application but may be the result of the demand for funds.  Council reserves the right to offer a smaller amount if total budget is over subscribed.

For feedback on your application, please refer to the contact phone number given in your notification letter. You may wish to consider submitting your application to another round of funding.


For further information and assistance, including advice on eligibility and application forms, please contact:

Community Development Officer – Health & Wellbeing
Flinders Shire Council
Phone: (07) 4741 2900