Disclosure Log
The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI) Act commenced on 1 July 2009. Council endeavour to make available information released under the RTI Act that is of significant interest to the wider public. This information is identified in council's disclosure log. The disclosure log contains information released since 1 July 2009 and does not identify all information released under the RTI Act.
Documents released to applicants under the Act will be progressively published on our disclosure log. Council's disclosure log will contain a description of the information released and, where possible, a link to the relevant documents.
Disclosure Log
Council's disclosure log will show information released under the RTI Act since 1 July 2009 that is considered to be of significant interest to the wider public.
Under the RTI Act, information that is:
- Of a sensitive nature (for example personal information)
- Considered commercial-in-confidence
Will have been removed from the documents prior to their release.
Accessing Released Information
To obtain copies of any of the released documents shown in council's disclosure log, you can either email or write to Council:
Email Requests:
Email your request to flinders@flinders.qld.gov.au
Written Requests:
Written request are to be addressed to the:
Chief Executive Officer
Flinders Shire Council
PO Box 274