Community Care Services

Community Care Team Staff Photo

The Flinders Shire Council Community Care Program aims to assist the frail and aged, people with a disability and their carers, who need support services to live independently in the community. Our services help prevent premature admission to nursing homes or other long term residential care facilities.

Flinders Shire Council Community Care programs:

Our organisation provides services to the entire Flinders Shire district. We believe our clients have the right to be involved in the planning of their services to meet their needs, and we align our service delivery to the Charter of Aged Care Rights.

This following pages provides information about our services, your rights and responsibilities, our organisation’s policies and our complaints procedures. If you have any questions about how to access services, or would like more information about the services you are receiving, please contact the Community Care Team.

Services available:

Community Care offer a range of services to support you at home and to access community activities. For more information on the services we provide, please click here.


Community Care is always looking for ways to improve our service, if you have any feedback please fill out the below form and submit to Community Care.

Complaints Process:

Contact the Community Care Coordinator on 4741 2960; or
Lodge a completed complaints/compliment form, available from the Community Care Office; or
Contact the Flinders Shire Council Chief Executive Officer on 4741 2900

Contact Information:

Community Care Coordinator: Dianne Sainty
Phone: (07) 4741 2960
Office hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm