Waste Management

Hughenden Landfill

Waste Reduction Recycling Plan

Under state government legislation, local governments are required to prepare, adopt and implement a plan that addresses waste reduction and recycling.

The Flinders Shire Council Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan 2016-2019 provides an assessment of the existing waste management facilities and explores waste minimisation strategies and initiatives that can be considered and introduced over the life of the Plan.

Council's Waste Reduction Recycling Plan 

Littering and Illegal Dumping

Littering and illegal dumping is a serious problem in Queensland. According to the Keep Australia Beautiful National Litter Index, Queensland is the most littered mainland state in Australia.

Queensland communities want and deserve a clean environment, without the health and safety hazards imposed by inappropriate disposal of waste. The presence of litter attracts even more litter—which attracts antisocial and illegal activities. 

With the introduction of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011, members of the public can speak out and report littering and illegal dumping involving a vehicle or a vessel.

This initiative will help minimise waste hazards on our environment, as well as dealing with the much broader social impacts of littering and illegal dumping.

If littering or illegal dumping was personally witnessed you can report it now.

Witnesses of littering and illegal dumping offences can request to have a reporting form mailed by contacting 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

The difference between littering and illegal dumping is determined by size and tougher penalties have been introduced accordingly.

What Is Littering?

Littering is a small amount of waste (less than 200 litres in volume—that is smaller than an average household wheelie bin). Types of littering from a vehicle or vessel include the throwing of items such as cigarette butts, plastic or glass drink bottles, fast food wrappers, apple cores, orange peels and other fruit, fishing tackle and bait bags. It also includes items falling off the back of a ute or trailer because of an uncovered or unsecured load.

Dangerous litter is any litter than can cause harm to humans, wildlife and property. This includes items such as broken glass left on footpaths or playgrounds, sharps or syringes.

What Is Illegal Dumping?

Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of waste that—when viewed in its entirety—is greater than 200 litres (about the volume of an average household wheelie bin). Types of waste can range from bags of rubbish in public areas such as roadsides, parklands and private land to larger scale dumping of waste including building (construction and demolition) materials, household goods, abandoned cars, scrap tyres and hazardous waste.