Mayor and CEO progress key economic opportunities with Brisbane and Canberra meetings


Flinders Shire Council’s Mayor and Chief Executive Officer recently met with key stakeholders in Canberra and Brisbane to progress several potential economic drivers for the region.

Mayor Jane McNamara and CEO Hari Boppudi organised important meetings with Australian Government and Queensland Government Ministers and representatives on several important issues for the Flinders Shire.

In Brisbane, they met with Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports Mark Bailey regarding road issues in the Shire, as a collective of the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC).

“Our meeting with Mr Bailey was particularly focused on last mile funding to complete bitumen sealing of freight routes, road safety, and passing lanes,” said Cr McNamara.

Cr McNamara and Mr Boppudi also attended a meeting with Minister for Communities and Housing Leeanne Enoch regarding the WQAC Housing Strategy.

“We discussed the acute housing needs of the CopperString and renewable energy projects, where our Shire is expecting to require housing for an additional 600 people,” she said.

The pair’s final meeting was with Graham Fraine, Director General for Department of Water, regarding the Hughenden Offstream Water Storage Project (Stage 1).

In Canberra, representing WQAC, they held eight delegations with Ministers, Senators, Senior Advisors and Chief of Staff, which covered the key portfolios of:

  • housing
  • regional development and local government
  • health and aged care
  • telecommunications
  • agriculture
  • emergency management
  • water and environment
  • developing Northern Australia.

“While in the nation’s capital, we also met with relevant Shadow Ministers and MPs who have been great supporters of the Flinders Shire, and are keen to stay up to date with what’s happening in our amazing part of the world,” said Cr McNamara.

“We again took the opportunity to discuss the Flinders River Offstream Water Storage Project with all relevant departments.”

Flinders Shire Council’s Mayor and Chief Executive Officer recently met with key stakeholders in Canberra and Brisbane to progress several potential economic drivers for the region.

Flinders Shire Council’s Mayor and Chief Executive Officer recently met with key stakeholders in Canberra and Brisbane to progress several potential economic drivers for the region.